
The first time I saw this movie was in senior high.
I wrote it into my autography, but in the end I deleted those words.

Even so I still keep them in my first draft.

"It began at an academic speech and a movie…
My first true introduction to the life science arena came in a speech delivered by Dr. David D. Ho, who pioneered in “AIDS cocktail” therapy dramatically demonstrated that AIDS is not a fatal disease anymore. But it appears that the progress of medical research couldn’t come up with the mutant speed of HIV. “The mission to conquer the AIDS is still far away. We couldn’t eliminate the number of HIV in a sickle body until more experts make more endeavors in addition to education,” said Dr. Ho. Since then, I would extremely like to be a scientist in the future. Seeing a movie “Lorenzo’s oil”, I preliminarily came into contact with genetic neuromuscular diseases in addition of delivering the great esteem of the father’s love and motivation. I was intrigued by those mysteries delivered. How could a mutant protein which seems insignificantly small lead to acute symptoms? How could such amazing oil rescue the muscle movements from frozen body? I was highly interested in pursuing and interpreting diseases from macro-vision to micro-vision."

有幸再看一次, 相對於當時什麼都不太懂的黃毛丫頭的我
對於科學, 又多了一份執著


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